Monday, May 16, 2011

Last Post of the Year ): Sighhhh...

               Yes be vewy vewy quiet, the bunnies might run away and we don't want that. I'm thinking maybe bunnies could be a very nice pet. Plus they're cute, fluffy, different colors, and just so fat and cuddly. But you should know I never had a bunny before and I honestly wouldn't know how to take care of one. So today I am here to talk to you about bunnies. Since this is my last blog of the school year I'm going to try to make this as fun as possible.WAIT WHERE DID THE WABBIT GO! LOOK WHAT YOU DID, YOU HAD ME TALKING TO LOUD! Katie calm down, it's not our fault the audience is very loud. Anyways lets take a trip to the meadows and look for a new rabbit.

First thing you should know about rabbits is that they're not rodents they are lagomorphs. Also a male rabbit is a buck, a female is a doe, and a baby is a kit. When the doe gives birth her babies are collectively refered to as a litter, just like dogs. Don't start thinking you can have rabbits and dogs as pets together cause I'm sure that dog will kill your rabbit ): 
But did you know that there are twelve different species of rabbits in the United States. YEAH that's alot to me. Mother rabbits take care of there babies for about 5 minutes a day, not as much time as my mom takes care of me, pooh. The milk is very rich and the babies fill up with capacity within minutes. And the young aren't sat upon to gain wormth, they are actually born covered in the mothers fur [that's kinda nasty]. Did you know rabbits shed? Well yeah they do. Whats if they could spit hair balls, wait that's cats. Back to rabbits, well actually thats about it for rabbits except for they're vegetarians, they don't eat meat. They tend to just eat carrots, cabbage, and any other freshly grown vegi. Other than that, thats its. The only other websites I could find were pet adoption or stories about rabbits and that doesn't halp at all. Thank you and I'll be back next year (: 

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